Monday, February 16, 2015

Start of a still life

So i'm starting a new still life, which will be my last at Angel Academy of Art.
I thought I would share the process. 

The rules for this still life was that the background needs to be a relief, it cant be flat.
There should be some perishables.
And at least one man made object. 

To start off I decided to go with a brick wall background.
First I found some bricks outside that were nice and rugged.
But I didn't have enough of them so I bought some new ones.
I then had to make them look as rugged as the first ones. 
And then I had to paint them darker.
Having darker objects in the back and lighter objects in the front will help with the illusion of space. 

And here is the finished wall.
After I setup the background I started to think about what kind of man made object I wanted.
Since the wall is rugged and a bit old looking I needed another similar object.
So I got to borrow this old pot on the right.
I also got a smaller pot which is new, but I will paint it to make it fit in.
After that I went to Coop and bought lots of perishables.
Then it was just a matter of trying out different compositions,
taking photographs of all the different ones, and then decide which one I like the best.

And this is the final setup. On the right I have a canvas which is a bit too big but that's ok, I will crop it later. Also it has a base layer (campitura)  with titanium white+burnt umber.
There is one more step which is to cast a shadow on the background, I will post another picture of that later

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